Copyright (c) 2001 Fredrik Sjoholm This is GPL. All rights reserved. This apache module provides efficient and configurable hostname lookups, similar but better than Apache's core directive. It uses a shared memory cache to store recently resolved hostnames. By default the cache uses 200k of shared ram, and will cache up to 1024 ip/host names. PLUG ==== Need extremly reliable and feature rich credit card processing? Take a look at the merchant demo at from a company focused on techhnology rather than webdesign. REQUIREMENTS ============ Apache MUST be built with EAPI and mm: (get mm from % cd mm-1.1.3 % ./configure --disable-shared % cd apache_1.3.17 % EAPI_MM=../mm-1.1.3 ./configure ... INSTALL ======= Define the APACHE_HOME environment variable (needed to find $APACHE_HOME/bin/apxs) then type make: (or do it all in one line..) % APACHE_HOME=/z/httpd/ make CONFIG ====== # load module and turn off Apache core gethostbyaddr() function LoadModule dns_module libexec/ HostnameLookups Off # DnsLookups On DnsTimeout_ms 5500 DnsResendTimer_ms 1900 # # built-in statistics page SetHandler dns-stats-handler 5500 ms is the default timeout, UDP packets will be resent to the DNS server every 1900 ms (DnsResendTimer_ms). These directives can be configured per-directory, if for some reason its more important to resolve a host-name in one place than another. Notice that once the cache has a bad entry in it, it will not be resolved again until it expires. ~fredrik (all trademarks belong to their respective owners)